Personal Ethics Development

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Ethical behavior and development are traits and skills that are always improving. Although the skills are improving the basic make up remain the same. The ability to incorporate character, morals, and values encourage a person’s ability to enhance the ethical behavior of an individual. This paper will define the ethical system used to best develop a person, discuss the potential effect that can become beneficial to the corporate environment and explain why organizations need ethics within the company.

Ethical System

Born into a single parent family character, values, and ethics became a part of life in the hope of becoming the best person possible in society. Mother thought that character, values, and ethics could keep her children on the right path when she was unable to be there. These skills still hold value to this day however developing into an adult those skills became develop and well defined. Obtaining at job at 16 was a way to help further develop these skills. At six 16 waiting tables at a local restaurant taught additional responsibility. The ability to make additional money for the household and personal use showed respect and responsibility to mother and others. From these skills learned, an individual can adapt to the situation surrounding them and maintain key character, values, and ethics. These key skills make up a duty-based ethical system.

Potential Effects

The ethical skills taught developed and individual ethical system. The ethical system of duty-based has a current effect on an individual’s life. By adapting to a duty-based system, an individual has a moral obligation or commitment to act in the way mother thought was best. Mother’s influence was not the only part of the development. The...

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...e skills taught by a single mother looking to make sure that children have character, morals, and values. With the skills taught a company values this person as an asset the company. An individual using the duty-based ethical system finds following the rules of ethics can also require outside party acceptance. This acceptance of the rules is to ensure that the job performance is acceptable. The enhancement of skills allow and individual to work in a corporate environment. Although the corporate environment strongly encourages the use of ethical behavior, an individual of duty-based ethics may find the information provided by the company useful. The company provides this information to employees as a way to ensure all customers are treaty fairly. The information provided also ensures that the company may not obtain finds for not following ethical procedures.

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