Persian/Arabic Script

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Persian/Arabic script has special complexities that make generating its fonts difficult. Some challenges in Persian/Arabic script generating process are various letters forms, number of dots in some letters and writing cursive forms. Some other challenges are related to the calligraphic art, how to fetch its rules, how to formulate them and how to design its algorithm. Cellular automata (CA) are one of the pattern generation methods. Here we generate typeface patterns by CA. In this paper, Asynchronous two dimensional CA is used for algorithm design of Persian/Arabic Ma'qeli typeface patterns and various neighborhoods are investigated for using patterns generation rules. Finally, an optimized algorithm is designed for generating all letters and words in Persian/Arabic scripts by a few rules. Our method keeps common letters shape, cursive and incursive letter forms and the base line for writing. Also, making use of this idea leads to a quick parallel algorithm with a balanced load distribution. The results of implementation are demonstrating its efficiency for generating Persian/Arabic words and sentences.

Keywords: Asynchronous cellular automata, parallel algorithm, pattern formation, Persian/Arabic script, typeface

1 Introduction

Typeface generation is one of the non-photo realistic subjects in computer graphics. . Typeface generation is useful from some points of view. First, it’s a graphical primitive which can be used in all graphical applications like computer games and animations [1]. Second, it has many industrial usages like showing sentences on seven segments or dot matrix monitors. Third, it has much artistic value that leads to apply typefaces in cultural heritages, handicrafts and other arts like d...

... middle of paper ... [24]. Von Neumann neighborhood and its extensions are like a diamond. Its formal definition is described in relation (3-1) [5].


Moore neighborhood and its extensions are like a square. This neighboring is defined by relation (3-2) [5].


One other technique to define neighbors is to divide the whole cellular space into many partitions composed of several blocks, and each block contain several cells. The states of each cell of a block are updated by a separate rule. This technique is called partitioning automata or Margolus neighborhood. Margolus neighborhood already has been applied for physical modeling such as lattice gases and biological modeling [25]. In this paper, this partitioning is used for Persian/Arabic typeface generation. The next section describes algorithm design for generating Persian/Arabic typeface by cellular automata.

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