Performing In Pornographic Films And the Risks Involved

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Pornography has been a controversial topic throughout history. With the advent of the V.C.R. Pornographic film industry blew up in the 1980's then again with the Internet in the late 1990's. With the knowledge that wealth could be attained by anybody beautiful enough and willing to have sex on camera, the industry exploded with tons of new talent. Unfortunately, there are severe risks involved in the pornographic film industry: STD'S, mental health disorders, drug addiction, and other harmful affects that should have potential performers thinking twice. Monthly tests for STD's including HIV, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia are now a part of life in the industry (Grudzen, et al. P72 Pathways). Greater prevalence of HPV, Herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia than HIV within the industry (Grudzen, et al. P73 Pathways). Pathways suggests many performers feel safe from HIV, But quoting from Coreta Grutzen in Condom Use and High-Risk Sexual Acts in Adult Films the lack of condom use in heterosexual sex would suggest otherwise. Although believed they would be using condoms, the performers found in order to get work they had to lose the condoms. There is a higher chance that non-condom use on set translates into non condom use in the real world, potentially exposing non-performers to STD's. The mindset is that there are treatments for most STD's so the actors are not concerned necessarily, with their sexual health outside of H.I.V. And with the development of new HIV/AIDS drugs that extend lives well into average old age, it stands to reason this may make condom use even more lax. Some performers refuse anal because it is too risky, and some viewers of gay porn refuse to watch scenes not using condoms because it is like watching death on screen(Gr... ... middle of paper ... ...y 14, 2011 from Porn Stars Speak Out: STDs, Drugs and Abuse. Michaels, Scott. (December 30, 2007). Savannah. Retreived May 14, 2011, from Corita R. Grudzen, MD, MSHS, Marc N. Elliott, PhD, Peter R. Kerndt, MD, MPH, Mark A. Schuster, MD, PhD, Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, and Lillian Gelberg, MD, MSPH. Condom Use and High-Risk Sexual Acts in Adult Films: A Comparison of Heterosexual and Homosexual films.American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 99, No. S1 Grudzen, Corita R.Ryan, Gerry.Margold, William. Torress, Jacqueline. and Gelberg, Lillian. Pathways to Health Risk Exposure in Adult Film Performers, Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin f the New York Academy of Medcine, Vol. 86, No. 1. doi:10.1007/s11524-008-9309-4

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