The Perfect Failure by Trumbull Higgins

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The Perfect Failure: Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs by Trumbull Higgins is a book that sheds light on the history and surrounding factors of the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba. Having lived in Miami for seven years, I have always been curious about why Cubans seem to feel entitled and believe that the United States owes them something. When I asked about this, I was told that the United States failed them during the Bay of Pigs invasion by leading the Cuban exiles into a battle they could not win. They felt great resentment towards the United States for refusing to assist them once they were in Cuba, leaving them at the mercy of President Fidel Castro. After reading Higgins' book, I now understand the basis for this type of thinking and resentment. Trumbull Higgins' book is a fascinating and intricate read. His account of the process that led to the Bay of Pigs invasion is thorough and engaging. The interviews and direct quotations from the individuals involved provide the reader with a first-hand account of the information. At times, it feels as though the reader is in the room, listening in on discussions with these interesting and powerful figures. Higgins' writing is engaging as he describes the Cuban invasion, from its inception to the implementation of the operation, and ultimately, the results. Higgins' book begins with a brief review of the way United States presidents dealt with Latin America during that era. It starts with President Franklin D. Roosevelt leasing Guantanamo Bay and President Dwight D. Eisenhower invading Guatemala in Operations Fortune and Success, which became the model for President John F. Kennedy's Bay of Pigs operation. The book provides more in-depth information on how Eisenhower's tactics and plans set up the invasion of Cuba, which was later altered, modified, and approved by President John F. Kennedy. The book addresses how the United States intervened around the world to combat communism. The United States focused specifically on Latin America, indicating the imperialistic mentality of the United States during that era, which I believe continues to this day. However, this does not necessarily mean colonizing Latin America, but rather having it allied and influenced by the United States' mentality and agenda. The book describes the tactics used by the United States to align these countries' policies and politics with its own. The book effectively portrays the role of the United States in the political affairs of Latin American countries. Higgins examines the Eisenhower administration's invasion of Guatemala, which resulted in a revolt to remove the leftist President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán. The Arbenz administration posed a threat to the dominance of American companies in Guatemala, particularly the United Fruit Company. Higgins' primary focus is on detailing the United States' involvement in the attempted invasion of Cuba and its efforts to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro.

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