People’s Behavior Determined by Forces

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“People’s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making”- Persuasive Essay
World is a haphazard collection of various kinds of individuals. People make use of different languages and practice various customs and rituals. A group of different people assemble to form a society and interact with each other in various ways. “Behavior” is basically how people act in a particular way. People adopt a certain behavior due to number of factors. Some people adapt a certain lifestyle because of what they inherit from their parents. The behavior of a rich child would be different from the behavior of poor child. The behaviors may also be different due to difference in religion. People behave differently also because they are brought up in different environments in their families. Another factor that affects the behavior of an individual is awareness. “Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge” (Plato 1). An educated person will, for example, be more aware of the manners and etiquettes of living in the society than an uneducated person. However it must be noted that these factors can be controlled to a noticeable extent. Therefore, although aforementioned factors do affect the behavior of the individual; however, these factors can be controlled and their effect can be minimized. Hence, it can be said that a behavior of the individual does not depend on the factors that are beyond their control.

Personal responsibility plays an important role in shaping the behavior of people. Let’s take an example of a person’s behavior who has a family, wife and kids, in this case the external forces are, for instance, to do a good job to meet the needs of his family. But it is entirely his...

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...nefits not only him but the society as well. Thus, the behavior of people is not determined by forces that are not of their own making. Rather, it depends on how a person takes measures to deal with those forces.

Work Cited
Joyce Meyer. "Behavior Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

Plato. "Plato Quotes Quotable Quote." Plato Quotes Quotable Quote. Good Reads, n.d. Web.

Shruthisudhan. "Thread: Essay:People's Behavior Is Largely Determined by Forces Not of Their Own Making." Urch Forums RSS. Urch, 18 Aug. 2012. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

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