Peace Corps Application

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A: I am excited to use many of the professional skills and experience I have acquired here in the United States during my Peace Corps service. With my education as a Medical Science major, I believe I have a deep understanding of how many of the intricacies of the body work. This education will work perfectly when educating others of the biological aspects of HIV/AIDS as well as other diseases that are prevalent in Botswana. Through my HIV/AIDS counseling and test administration here at Washington State University I have also had a good amount of practice explaining the virus as well as the dangers associated with risky behavior. Through this counseling experience, I have learned a lot of new things about testing procedures and drug administration as well as new scientific discoveries associated to the virus and the war against it. My EMT training will also come in handy in many situations throughout my Peace Corps experience. I hope I never have to use any of the emergency medicine I am trained in. However, many non life threatening techniques will certainly come in handy on a daily basis. This includes things such as dehydration prevention and treatment of wounds.

I aspire to achieve many things during my time in the Peace Corps. I hope that I can make a lasting impact on my community and those around me. I hope to help the people of Botswana see what a citizen of the United States is really like in a positive light. I hope to help members of my community achieve goals as a community using my technical assistance. I aspire to come face to face with people who are suffering in ways that are hard for me to imagine and, through perseverance, prevail with a better understanding of how the people of Botswana can be helped on both ...

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...I clearly understand what exactly is expected of me as well as what liberties I have in terms of freedom to be creative in the manner in which I help resolve my community’s needs.

E: I am certainly using Peace Corps service as a time of meditation to decipher what it is that I want to do in the next stage of life. I have pondered many avenues: medical school, nursing school, physicians assistant school. I will wait and see where my heart leads me through my Peace Corps service. I have aspirations to return to a part of the world in need after more schooling. I have been blessed with a great life so far that has given me a great opportunity for education and I want to continue to pay back the debt that I owe for an opportunity like this. I feel that I will perpetually be in a field of service helping those who have little opportunity and access to help themselves.

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