The Pasig River

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1.1 Terms of Reference

This report discusses the factors that affected Pasig River’s aquatic life and solutions to overcome this frightening catastrophe.

1.2 Procedure

Information was gathered for this report from:

• World Health Organization Website

• Water Issues in Southeast Asia: Present Trends and Future Direction

• Environmental and Engineering Research Website

• Water Pollution Control: A guide to the use of water quality management principles

1.3 Background

Philippines has at least 99 million people with 13% of the total population residing in Metro Manila. Metro Manila, the National Capital Region is recognised as the main industrial and commercial centre of the Philippines. “Metro Manila has the highest population density, at 16,497 person per km², and most of its land area is limited for development expansion, with little or no area for agriculture” (Gorme et al., 2010, p. 173). The 15.5-mile (25 km) river flows through the nine cities of Manila and links Laguna de Bay to Manila Bay. During the Spanish colonial period, Pasig River played a major role in providing the community food, transportation and livelihood. Throughout the years, river was neglected and often taken for granted by the residents. As a result, Pasig River was declared biologically dead in 1990 (Andrade, 2013).

Figure 1. Pasig River in 1890s (Fee, 1912, p. 46)

2.0 Findings

2.1Pollution Sources

• Factories Situated in the Pasig River Basin

Pasig River has been biologically dead for almost 20 years.Factories are considered as the principal polluters of the river. Its canals were used as sewerage for the industrial wastes from factories.There are more than 300 factories operating on the river’s bank...

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...ver. I also recommend a mandatory cleaning everyday for those people who live on the edges of the river. Also an aggressive campaign should promote by the local officials and leaders which promotes the cleanliness of their river. I also suggest that the government officials should teach the residents who lives in the river what are the laws that they should follow in terms of river rehabilitation. An active participation between local officials and citizens on how to clean the river. Illustrate a master plan about the rehabilitation of the Pasig river which promotes the recreation and cleanliness of it. Relocate informal settlers, squatters and other unauthorized residents along the banks. Manage civil works for cleaning the river and all of the esteros and canal that flow into it. Remove the disposing of untreated industrial liquid and solid waste into the river.

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