Participatory Democracy: The Better of the Two

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Several forms of government have been formed since the development of centralized power. The form of government that has showed the most international growth in the last century is democracy. There are currently over 160 democracies in the world today. These democracies, however, are not complete democracies. They are representative democracies that have been created by the leaders of our predominantly patriarchal international system. Due to this, many citizens of these democracies are considered second class citizens and their views are not heard by their supposedly democratic society. A solution to this problem is participatory democracy. Participatory democracy is better than the existing patriarchal society because it allows the progression of society as a whole, eliminates political oppression, and creates a predominantly equal political culture for the citizens it governs. There is much evidence that proves that the advantages of participatory democracy heavily outweigh the drawbacks and that it is a better way of government than patriarchy. This evidence can be found in historical analysis, scrutiny of the patriarchal international system, the development of participatory democracy, and the values of a participatory democracy versus the values of a patriarchal democracy.
Participatory democracy is when the individuals under a governed state are directly involved in the legislation and polices that directly influence their lives. Aspiration for participatory democracy dates back to ancient Greece and continues today. When the idea of participatory democracy was invented it was done so in order to make sure everyone in a society had a say in how they lived their lives. In modern times the idea of participatory democracy, how...

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...ic policy. Participatory democracy is better in this situation also because it creates a better political environment for the society.
Every form of government will have its flaws and participatory democracy is no exception. What makes participatory democracy better than patriarchal democracy does not only lie in the oppression and injustice of a patriarchal democracy but mostly in how that oppression and injustice affects its citizens. Through inequality among minorities and women patriarchal democracy alienates a huge proportion of the population. Patriarchal democracy also puts power into the wrong hands making its injustice that much more drastic. There is no guarantee that all of these problems would be fixed by participatory democracy, but there is substantial evidence that says participatory democracy would create a better society than patriarchal democracy.

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