The Importance Of Tips For Pink Lips

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Pink Lips Secret Qualities Intensity Booster Tips
Pink Lips Secret Qualities Intensity Booster Tips

Every girl wants pink and shiny lips without the advantage of lip glosses or lipstick. They want naturally pink lips. Since it summer time the chances of your lips getting dark magnifies. Though heat is not the only reason for having dark lips there are many other reasons as well such as inappropriate beauty products like lipstick, lip liner or lip gloss.

Excess usage or bad company’s product can also result in dark lips. An easy way to get back the freshness and pinkness of your lips is using homemade remedies. In today’s beauty article we will tell you about 5 homemade tips …show more content…

If your lips are darker than your skin, you can lighten them by using pink lipsticks and other makeups. A good choice of a nude pink lipstick will give you light pink soft lips suitable for a pale skin.

Homemade Tips For Pink Lips
Rose Petals With Milk
Bowl of milk with rose petals
The first tips among our 5 homemade tips for pink lips are rose petals with milk. This is one of the most effective tips. All you need is rose petals and milk. How to make it? Soak the rose petals into a bowl of milk for 30 minutes. Then grind the soaked petals properly. Now apply the paste on your lips and leave it on for 30 minutes. You can also refrigerate the remaining petals paste and use it daily. You will be able to see the difference within a weeks time.

Add butter to sugar powder and use this mix to exfoliate your lips. Exfoliating your lips with sugar-butter can get you rid of dark lips and makes them rosy and pink.

Coconut water, cucumber juice, and lemon juice mix is an excellent home remedy to lighten dark lips naturally.

Grind almonds and milk cream together and apply on your lips to make them rosy and pink naturally.

The wonderful blend of coconut oil with lemon juice is a great home remedy to get rosy lips …show more content…

This home remedy helps you get rid of dark/black lips at home the natural way.

Combine together 4 spoons of olive oil with 1/2 spoon of lemon essential oil and apply a thick layer of this preparation on your lips for 20 minutes. Very helpful beauty tip for lighting dark lips and making them rosy and pink.

Ghee/ butter with saffron makes a wonderful natural remedy for reddening your lips.

Blend rose petals with butter and apply this mix on your lips. This recipe can give your lips natural pink shade.

Sugar, honey and almond oil mix can be used to exfoliate your lips. Exfoliation eliminates dead skin layers, thus, giving a natural flush to your lips. Try this recipe to get red and beautiful lips.

Do not lick or bite your lips as saliva makes your lips dehydrated and more susceptible to cracking.

Cut down on tea and coffee which aids in making your lip dark. Caffeine is an important factor in making the lips dark. So from now on, to achieve pink lips, go easy on tea, coffee.

Olive oil mixed with lemon juice, honey makes for a good homemade lip balm you can prepare at home.

Scrub an orange on your lips to make them pink. Either you can dab orange juice on your lips to make them rosy and attractive the natural

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