Parental Loss Pertaining to the Pediatric and Infant Population: A Concept Analysis

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Loss is inevitably a recurring theme in the human experience. According to Simpson (1953, as cited by Robinson & McKenna, 1998), it is notable that the word ‘loss’ is derived from the Latin word ‘damnum,’ meaning damage and as such it implies injury. We lose many things over the course of a lifetime, and whether perceived or actual, loss can affect the individual in a variety of ways. In the outpatient pediatric caregiver and parent population, it is especially important to define loss and its’ affects, and integrate more impactful methods of intervention for these persons experiencing types of loss. In doing so, parents and caregivers will be better able to cope with their loss, and possibly enjoy a more fulfilling life following loss. This not only improves quality of life for the parent, but also for current and subsequent surviving children of these parents. In this concept analysis, we will look at parental loss pertaining to infants and children in the initially inpatient turned outpatient hospital setting, from a psychology, education, and nursing perspective. We will then integrate these three disciplines to ascertain optimal outcomes for the aforementioned population.

Review of Literature
What follows is an in-depth review of the literature, describing loss from the disciplines of psychology, education, and nursing. Though, they maintain varied approaches to the subject matter, the end result of optimal patient outcomes is supported.
Stein, et al. (2009)studied persons that experienced loss through death, relationship termination, and decline in physical and/or mental health. As a consequence of the loss, many participants found that they pursued self- improvement, education, enhancing personal relations...

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... grief.UPMC Synergies, 1-7.
Robinson, D.S., & McKenna, H. P. (1998). Loss: An analysis of a concept of particular interest to nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27, 779-784.
Scornaienchi, J. M. (2003). Chronic sorrow: One mother’s experience with two children with lissencephaly. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 17, 290-294.
Simpson, D. P. (1953).Cassell’s New Latin-English English-Latin Dictionary. Cassell, London, p.166.
Sorrow.(n.d.). Retrieved from
Stein, C. H., Abraham, K. M., Bonar, E. E., McAuliffe, C. E., Fogo, W. R., Faigin, D. A., Raiya,
H. A.,&Potokar, D. N. (2009). Making meaning from personal loss: religious, benefit finding, and goal-oriented attributions. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 14, 83-100.
Thomson, P. (2010). Loss and disorganization from an attachment perspective.Death Studies, 34, 893-914.

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