Pain Management

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Pain management
There are many analgesic drugs. Among those the oxycodone is the most pain reliever of opioid analgesic drug. Oxycodone is classified as schedule II controlled substance. It is commonly combined in tablets with acetaminophen (Percocet) and with aspirin (Percodan). Oxycodone is available in the form of immediate-release (Oxy IR) and sustained- release (OxyContin). It is a strong pain reliever often used to control moderate to severe pain, postoperative, acute, and chronic pain. Oxycodone is classified pharmacologically as a class of opioid agonists, and opioid synthetic while, therapeutic classification oxycodone is opioid analgesics, and Pregnancy category B. Oxycodone. The opioid analgesic drugs are originated from the opium poppy plant or chemically related to opium.
Pain is uncomfortable feeling and a subjective experience that individual person can response differently. Pain can be defined whatever the patient says it is, and it exists whenever the persons says it does. It is important that physician and nurses to identify the location and severity of the pain to improve their care. Selective treatment improves outcome of pain control, minimize the intolerable side effect and maximize patient safety and efficiency. “The management of pain is a very important aspect of nursing care in a variety of settings and across the lifespan. Pain is the most common reason that the patients seek health cares, resulting in some 70 million office visits annually in the United States ( text book)”.
According to this article, “Pain can be acute, chronic or cancer as well as pathophysiological which can be nociceptive (somatic or visceral), neuropathic or mixed. Somatic nerves are located in skin, muscle, connective tissue, a...

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