Overview of Depression in Older Adults

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Older Adults The older adult population consists of people 65 and older (Miller, & Stoeckel, 2011). Depression is greater in women than men, however, the cause is unknown (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Both, males and females who have been previously depressed or have a biological relative with depression, have an increased risk of depression (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Seniors in long-term care facilities have a higher rate of being diagnosed with depression (14-42%) than those who continue to live within the community (1%-5%), therefore, levels of diagnosed depression fluctuate depending on location of residence (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). A recent Canadian study shows 44% of older adults living in residential care have been diagnosed with depression or have symptoms of depression (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Depression can cause higher mortality rates, even when supplementary risk factors are considered, however, the reasons are not entirely understood (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Studies have shown that older adults with depression are one and a half to two times more likely to pass on than those without depression (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Depression is a common mental disorder that affects approximately 350 million people worldwide (World Health Organization (WHO), 2014). At its worst, depression may lead to suicide, with an approximate 1 million deaths per year (WHO, 2014). Since depression is a mood disorder, it can affect many aspects of health, and it may prevent older adults from enjoying life (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Older adults living with depression may suffer from sleep disturbances, aches and pains, fatigue, and changes in weight... ... middle of paper ... ...ders. Retrieved from http://www.providencecare.ca/CareServices/outpatient-mental-health/Pages/Outpatient-Mood- Disorders.aspx Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). The chief public health officer’s report on the state of public health in Canada 2010: Chapter 3: The health and well-being of Canadian seniors. Retrieved from http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/cphorsphc-respcacsp/2010/fr-rc/cphorsphc-respcacsp-06-eng.php Smith, M., Johnson, K., Seydel, L., & Buckwalter, K. (2010). Depression training for nurses: evaluation of an innovative program. Research In Gerontological Nursing, 3(3), 162-175. doi:10.3928/19404921-20100527-99 Stamler, L., & Yiu, L. (2012). Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (3rd ed.). Toronto: Pearson Education. World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Depression. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs369/en/

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