The Ottoman Empire and the Establishment of OPDA

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The main aim of this article is to investigate the workforce involved in a main late-Ottoman institution namely Duyun-ı Umumiye İdaresi (Ottoman Public Debt Administration henceforth OPDA). This article consists of two parts. The first part discusses the political and economic conditions in the Ottoman Empire as in Europe, when OPDA established. The second part deals with workforce involved in OPDA.


The Ottoman Empire and the Establishment of OPDA

In its last two centuries the Ottoman Empire suffered several crises from various aspects. The dissemination of nationalist ideas among its minorities, lost wars also territories, signing of treaties which added to the deteriorating position of the Ottoman Empire vis-à-vis European states. During the two centuries before its final breakdown the Ottoman had lost many wars and ceased large territories. All these exercised a negative effect on the Ottoman Empire. Subsequently, European’s impact, through their economic penetration, missionary activities and nationalist ideas on such minorities as Armenians, Greeks, and Bulgarians, was ever increasing etc. The Ottomans used to make internal borrowings, especially from prominent merchants residing. However, Empire does not resist more across the European countries. After a while, Ottoman Empire taking cash money few European bankers. After a short time, the Ottoman administration borrowed from the European countries.

All these global changes were affected the Ottoman Empire. One of these grids down was appearing out of the external credit. Ottoman Empire borrowed external credit (firstly from Britain) during the Crimean war in 1853-1856. After first loan, other fo...

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