Otto von Bismarck

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When Otto von Bismarck was recalled from Paris to become

Minister-President of Prussia in 1862, German nationalism was already

more than 40 years old. First apparent in the opposition to Napoleon´s

occupation of the German states, national feeling grew into a movement

after 1815. This feeling was encouraged by a growth of interest in

German literature and music and by increased economic cooperation

between the north German states. By 1848 it was strong enough to make

the creation of a united Germany one of the main demands of the


Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian patriot who inherited the traditions

of love of king, army and country from his family. Bismarck believed

that Germany should be united under Prussian leadership and that

Austria should have nothing to do with Germany. Bismarck was chosen as

chancellor by the Prussian king as he had a proven record as a

monarchist and had little time for liberal and excessive parliamentary

ideas. Bismarck helped his long term plan to unite Germany and to be

the ruler by getting in a strong position with the king. The king

owned Bismarck a 'favour´ as Bismarck had solved the king´s

constitutional crisis.

Bismarck played a crucial part in the unification of Germany as he

helped to set up the Northern German Confederation after defeating

Austria in the second of three wars. The first war was a bit 'weird´

as Bismarck´s goal was to get Austria out of Germany but it was the

start of a long plan, he teamed up with Austria and together they

quickly defeated the Danish. The duchies of Holstein were to be

controlled by Austria and the duchies of Schleswig were to be

controlled by Prussia. This was to be a major decision to let Austria

control Holstein.

Bismarck overcame the barrier that was the threat of Austria. Bismarck

was very clever in the way that he provoked war with Austria he

complained that Austria was not running Holstein properly. The German

confederation backed Austria so Bismarck had what he wanted an excuse

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