Orthodox Judaism and Southern Baptism

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It seems apparent that Orthodox Judaism and Southern Baptist would have multiple differences that could easily be picked out at first glance. But when looked at closely these religions have many characteristics in common. Some characteristics these religions have in common are that they are monotheistic and they believe in the same God. Some differences are that they celebrate different holidays and people that follow Orthodox Judaism have limitations on what they can eat. Orthodox Judaism and Southern Baptist will be summarized, then compared and contrasted.
Orthodox Judaism is said to have begun in 1851 (OrthodoxJudaism). Orthodox Judaism is the practice of the traditional form of Judaism. They formed due to the reform movement that was changing the beliefs of the Jewish religion, and they wanted to keep the traditional beliefs (OrthodoxJuadism). Orthodox Judaism is the strictest form of Judaism (OrthodoxJuadism). They follow the Jewish laws very strongly (WhatO). The Jewish laws are rules about daily life. A source goes into detail by saying what these rules are, “what to do when you wake up in the morning, what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot wear, how to groom yourself, how to conduct business, how you can marry, how to observe the holidays and the Shabbat, and perhaps the most important, how to treat God, other people, and animals” (Rich). An example of some of the things that Orthodox Jews cannot eat is pork and shellfish. A source says, “How animals are slaughtered, prepared, cooked, and eaten. Food is kosher (permitted) and terefah (forbidden)” (Breuilly). Orthodox Judaism is a monotheistic religion which means they believe in one God. They believe that God will send a Messiah who will end all bad things ...

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"Orthodox Juadism." Jewish Virtual Library. The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. .
"Orthodox Juadism." Patheos Library. Avalon Consulting, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. .
Rich, Tracey R. "Halakhah: Jewish Law." Judaism 101. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. .
"Sinner's Prayer Can Lead to Salvation, Say Southern Baptist Traditionalists." The Christian Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. .
"What Orthodox Jews Believe." Beliefnet. Beliefnet, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. .

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