Organizational Justice: Workplace Bullying

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1. Workplace bullying demonstrates a lack of which one of three types of organizational justice?
Weakness procedural of organizational justice make workplace bullying happen. Organization justice is the degree to which individuals feel fairly treated at the workplace. It means that they enjoy on their work. In the organization justice there have three type of it, such as organizational, distributive and procedural.
Organizational is the degree to which individual feel they are fairly treated at the workplace. According John (Jack) M. Ivancevich (August 16, 1939-October 26, 2009) that “organizational justice is an area of organizational science research that focuses on perceptions and judgments by employees regarding the fairness of their organizations procedures and decisions”.
Distributive is the perceived fairness of how resources and reward are distributed throughout an organization. According to Dean B. McFarlin and Paul D. Sweeney that “Distributive justice was found to be a more important predictor of two personal outcomes, pay satisfaction and job satisfaction.”
Procedural is the perceived equity of the processes and procedures used to make resources allocation decisions. In the procedural justice, people are more inclined to interpret decisions as fair when they have a voice in the decision and the decision making is consistent. Not only that, people make the decisions fair went the process and procedures conform to ethical and moral values. . According to Dean B. McFarlin and Paul D. Sweeney that “Procedural justice, whereas the reverse was true for two organizational outcomes-organizational commitment and subordinates evaluation of supervisor.”
Workplace bullying has related with the interactional justice which ...

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