Opinion: Search of Knowledge

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While the experience, proven technique, or research of an expert on a given subject are all tremendous guides in the quest for knowledge, the opinion of said expert will almost certainly hinder or deter one in the pursuit of knowledge. The very nature of an opinion is something that undoubtedly challenges the three aforementioned factors in regards to the search of knowledge. Most definitions of the word “opinion” have the same characteristics in diction, with “a belief,” “a personal view,” and “estimate” all topping the list of the most commonly used phrases and words. The most commonly used phrases and words in the diction of the definitions of “knowledge” are “truth,” “state of knowing,” and “study or investigation.” In comparison, it is clear to see that the two terms are not only contradictions, but are also on opposite ends on the spectrum in regards to seeking knowledge. So while one can surely base an opinion upon experience or research, the opinion of an expert is most likely created by personal interest, emotion, or a lack of research. Therefore, an opinion will cause one to stray off the path in the proverbial “quest for knowledge,” simply because an opinion is based on personal insight, while fact is absolute truth, unbiased in its nature.

Most research is funded by government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, or other well established entities, so at the very least, personal interest is at the core of every grant given or research project commissioned. In the scenario about to be given, I will showcase how personal interest can not only hinder the search for knowledge, but nearly crush the endeavor before it begins. Let's say “El Dorado Cigarettes” funds “United Front Tobacco Research” for research and proof that ...

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...et that an opinion on the search for knowledge can be just as deadly as a trap while on an adventure, they're one in the same in fact. “If we take the opinion of experts of that field and follow his advises there are every chances of accomplishing that work easily and without much problem. Therefore we should follow such a path that leads to happiness and where there is no fear of going astray.” This quote comes from the Vajurveda, the third text of the four canonical texts of Hinduism, the Vedas. I have included this quote to show one fallacy that befalls all who seek opinion: if all those seeking knowledge follow the same path of opinion, then they could not possibly be on the path to knowledge. Those who diverge from the path set forth are truly the ones who will gain knowledge and insight. Going astray, into the unknown, is what shaped the world as it is today.

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