Online Gaming Addiction Among Teenagers

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Impact of the issue related with gaming

The playing of online games impacts teenage gamers socially, educationally, ethically and psychologically on teenagers. This issue involves numerous stake holders. They are mainly teenagers, parents, friends, policeman, and the game company.

The advantage of playing online game is that it allows people to communicate to numerous numbers of others from different cultural backgrounds and countries. In the game, a gamer may want to exchange his item with someone. Therefore, he/she has to negotiate with others. Repetition of this negotiation can develop a gamer’s social skills. The disadvantage of online gaming is that spending most of free time in front of a monitor wills remove teenagers from their friends and society. Online games are not for entertainment purpose only.

Majority of games are not designed for educational purposes. However, there are some games that are made for educational to teach ethical/political issues to teenagers through a familiar medium. Teenagers also have to know when to play game and when to stop. It is a wrong time to play games if a teenager hasn’t done his/her homework. And this will result in parents asking their son/daughter to study. There’s no problem of talking about the game with friends. However, there are some people who cannot come out from the “game world” because they are not attached to the real world and ending up killing two policeman in the real world like the incident in Alabama, US in 2003.

How to combat the addiction

Therapy and counseling for gaming addiction-

Therapy can give you a tremendous boost in controlling gaming use. Cognitive-behavioral therapy provides step-by-step ways to stop compulsive Internet behaviors and change...

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...just for subscription fees.

The consequences of government banning the system will result in reduction of WoW gamers. This is because the average age of WoW gamers is 28 which suggest that most of them are adults and they prefer to play the game in the night because they work during the day or because of their job ends late. Therefore, applying this system will lead for reduction in players which will result in game company’s profit.

Far from turning teenagers into anti-social loners, video games help them engage with friends and community, says a report.

The Pew Internet study of US teenagers found that few play alone and most join up with friends when gaming. It found that many used educational games to learn about world issues and to begin to engage with politics. The report also found that gaming had become an almost universal pastime among young Americans.

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