One-step Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Casein Peptides

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This study demonstrates a facile, one−pot preparation of casein hydrolytic peptides (CHPs)–conjugated crystalline AuNPs having average core size about 20 ±10 nm and morphology found to be hexagonal shaped. The CHPs are competent to form the monolayer on the AuNPs surface resulting electrostatic interparticles interaction, and plays an important role in stability for long periods of time (12 months). The X−ray photoelectron (XPS) spectrum, showed a strong peak for the pure ‘Au’ phase. The FTIR spectrum indicated that the electrostatic capping of the CHPs, which drives the formation of organic−inorganic CHPs−AuNPs composite. The CHPs−AuNPs establish low viability towards the human prostate cancer (DU145) cell line as compared to normal mouse hepatocyte (NCTC1469) cell line, under identical culture conditions. For that reason, DU 145 cells are particularly susceptible to CHPs−AuNPs, which is essentially required for the exploring their anti−cancer applications. Thus, CHPs−AuNPs were revealed as the ideal applicant for the treating cancer cells and other biomedical application.

1. Introduction

The nano-biotechnology research field shown fast growth over the past decades, utilizing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in biological applications, due to their unique surface, optical and electronic properties [1,2]. Thus, new research in nano-synthesis, design, and functionalization of AuNPs have to, improve their efficiency, bio-compatibility, and find new applications to mature the nanotechnology discipline. Several scientific reports have appeared in the last decade that are highlighting the cytotoxicity of AuNPs [3,4]. Some researchers have been demonstrated that the different toxicity pattern of AuNPs obtained from different...

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