The Obesity Epidemic In The United States

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Introduction The obesity epidemic is one of the most pressing issues at this point in both American society and U.S. public policy initiatives. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 35.9% of U.S. adults over the age of twenty are obese (CDC, 2013). The CDC further notes that 69.2% of U.S. adults twenty years of age and over are overweight (this percentage includes those who are obese). The obesity problem is not exclusive to the adults in the U.S. The CDC notes that 18.4% of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19 are currently obese (CDC, 2013). These statistics illustrate the severity of the obesity epidemic in this country, but what can be done to address or even correct this problem? Many people have proposed …show more content…

Politician’s and citizens alike where split as to whether they supported or opposed the mayor’s plan. There was also a great deal of support and opposition from professional organizations within New York City. As you can see, this topic quickly became fraught with controversy and heated debate. Before this topic is discussed any further it’s important to provide a brief summary of the policy implementation process from the view of the NYC court of appeals. On May 30, 2012 Mayor Bloomberg announced his soda ban as the portion cap rule. Bloomberg stated that the purpose of the portion cap rule was to combat the rising rate of obesity within the city. Unfortunately, his proposal was met with opposition from the New York City Council. The Council wrote Mayor Bloomberg a letter in which they stated their opposition and requested that this proposal be put before the city council for a vote (Renwick, …show more content…

Just ignore the fact that the policy was found to be unconstitutional for a minute and think about whether or not a policy of that nature would really help eliminate obesity. In all honesty, a policy that attempted beverage portion control is not helpful in the fight against obesity. Obesity is more closely linked with the type of lifestyle you have and the type of foods you eat, so controlling liquid consumption doesn’t really touch any of the core issues that surround obesity. A good policy that would help eliminate obesity should have focused on promoting healthy eating, exercise, and education about the cycle of obesity (how bad behavior patterns keep people from losing weight) and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s safe to say that this policy failed to do

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