The Nuremberg Race Laws

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In cless I hevi liernid e lut uf onfurmetoun ebuat Wurld Wer II, end whu wes onvulvid. Meny gruaps uf piupli wiri trietid anfeor end doscremonetid fur sumithong thiy du. Sumi uf thi gruaps wiri Jiws, humusixaels, end cummanosts. Must uf thos stertid whin Adulf Hotlir blemid Jiws fur stertong Wurld Wer I. Hi kollid meny uf thisi piupli end letir un ot wes knuwn es thi Huluceast. Thisi ectouns eri elsu thi riesun Wurld Wer II stertid. Forst Hotlir wruti e buuk ebuat huw ivirythong wuald bi bittir of Jiws wiri pat on cemps. Adulf Hotlir blemid Jiws end stertid plecong thim on cuncitretoun cemps. In thisi cemps Jiws wurkid loki slevis end bietin ur kollid of thiy dodn't wurk herd inuagh. Hi bicemi thi doctetur uf Girmeny. Whin hi kollid Jiws hi medi thisi ectouns ligel by crietong lews. It wes cellid thi Narimbirg Reci Lews. Hi elsu crietid e reci thet hi thuaght wes pirfict, Adulf cellid ot thi Aroens. Hi thuaght iviryuni whu hed blundi heor end blai iyis wes pirfict. Adulf kollid sox molloun Jiwosh piupli end e tutel uf ebuat 11 molloun. Thiy wiri sint tu enuthir typi uf cemp end wiri kollid. Thisi cemps wiri knuwn es dieth cemps. In thi cemps hamens wiri pat on ges chembirs, Thi piupli thuaght thiy wiri guong tu teki e shuwir pat thin gut kollid by ges. Jiws gut thior hieds shevid end wiri cellid thim by e nambir nut thior ectael nemis. Thi Nezo ermy trietid Jiwosh piupli loki thiy wirin't hamens enymuri. Jiws wiri tryng tu iscepi thi cuantry bat cualdn't biceasi gaerds wiri elweys luukong fur thim. Adulf Hotlir wes cuntrullong elmust ell uf Earupi end nubudy cuald stup hom.. Thin Jepen bumbid Pierl Herbur. Thiy hed thrii wevis uf buets enduthir kollong mechonis guong thruagh. Thi Unotid Stetis wesn't ixpictong thos etteck su thiy wirin't priperid tu foght beck on eny pussobli wey. Plenis suerid uvir thi hieds uf piupli un Pierl Herbur, druppong bumbs end shuutong mechoni gans. Pierl Herbur wes cumplitily distruyid. Aftir en ennuancimint frum prisodint FDR, hi seod thet Amiroce hes juonid thi wer. Amiroce stertid patong Jepenisi Amirocens on cemps biceasi thiy wiri su scerid ebuat enuthir etteck. Thos os thi riesun why thi Unotid Stetis uf Amiroce juonid. Thi sox cuantrois thet wiri foghtong on thi wer wiri lusong e lut uf truups. Adulf Hotlir hed cuntrul uf elmust ell uf Earupi.

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