Notes on the Rise Of Nazis

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o Anti-Semitism which grew during that period of depression and from the racial theories of the time

o Radical right-wing politics (i.e.: Pan-German League) in favor of authoritarianism.

From its founding to the putsch of 1923:

o Founded during the chaotic period immediately after WWI. Bavaria was then under the control of a right wing Gov. which sheltered extremists (including the Nazis)

o Formed Jan. 9th 1919 under the name German Workers Party (DAP), Hitler joined as propaganda chief in Sept.

o Aug. 1921: Hitler became leader and introduced: the notion of the leader / a more centralized system w/ all branches subject to the authority of the original branch in Munich.

o June 1922: the now renamed National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) is banned in all states except Bavaria.

The Munich or ‘Beer Hall’ Putsch:

o End 1922: Germany defaulted on reparation payments

o Jan. 1923: Invasion of the Ruhr

o Aug. 1923: Streseman became chancellor (& called for passive resistance and began negotiating w/ the French) ß Hitler saw this chancellorship as the beg. of a communist takeover…he decided to lead a putsch.

o Hitler decided to convince leading members of the Bavarian Gov. to help him on his ‘March on Berlin’ he seized them, they gave their consent but once released w/drew their aid. On Nov. 9th 1923 the Nazis marched on Gov. buildings and were dispersed by gunfire and had their leaders arrested.

o Hitler went for 5 years in prison, but now he was a nationally known figure.

The Creation of a Nationwide Party Organization (1923-1928)

Background to this period:

o period of recovery / the Weimar Republic seemed to have survived attempts against it and have gained support

o 1924: the Ruhr was reintegrated into the German economy / the Dawes Plan (rescheduled payments and made loans)

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