The Reformation: The Origin Of The Reformation

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At the start of the sixteenth century, the Reformation had put an ungracious end to the dependent unification that had prevailed under the Roman Catholic Church. In response to the growing sense of corruption in the church, the reformation began. Many people began opposing views of how Christian practices were expressed, which led to the formation and spread of Protestantism. While the Pope is head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism is a general term that refers to Christianity that is not subject to papal authority. (1.) Known for his extensive displeasure with the church, the onset of the Reformation can be recognized by the protests from the German Augustinian monk, Martin Luther. He claimed that what distinguished him from previous …show more content…

Pressing for action, Protestant reformers sought out Parliament for the safest recourse. For the first time in England, Edward VI’s reign had brought about the formation of Protestantism with changes that involved the abolishment of clerical celibacy, Mass and the obligation of required religious services in English. Following Edward VI’s death, just six years later, his half-sister Mary took over the throne. With her strong beliefs in papal supremacy, Mary made an effort to put an end to the corruptness her brother had brought about for the Catholic Church. Had Mary lived longer, the reestablishment of the Catholic Church might have been successful, leaving Edward’s reign, rather than hers, as a historical …show more content…

Reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin and King Henry VIII challenged papal authority and questioned the Catholic Church’s ability to define Christian practice. ( Staff, 2009) Martin Luther was one of the most influential and controversial figures in the reformative movement. His actions fractured the Roman Catholic Church into new sects of Christianity and set in motion a reform within the Church. ( Editors) Additionally, today, John Calvin rests with distinct accreditation as the highest influential figurehead in the second generation of the Protestant Reformation. Henry VIII served as the connection between the Church of England and Rome and abandoning of the catholic doctrine would never been allowed. However, when it came to his son, Edward VI, obeying papal authority wasn’t his strongest quality, which led to the establishing Protestantism for England. Unsuccessful in her efforts, Mary fought for the reestablishment of Catholicism. To this day, English Church remains both Catholic and

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