The New Nuclear Family: Problems & Benefits in Single Parenthood

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Families supported by single parenthood are no longer viewed as nontraditional. Becoming apart of the social norm, 27% of the families in the United States are headed by only one single parent. As more single-parent families begin to emerge in North America, the public brings concern to examine the outcomes of these households for the wellbeing of children. Overall, financial difficulties and possible negative effects for children are two main issues of single-parenthood. However, a number positive factors of single-parenthood exist within these cons. Single-parents are extremely vulnerable to financial problems. In 2000, Canadian single-parent families earn only an average of $27,700 annual income before-tax for lone mothers and $44,000 for lone fathers, compared to two-parent families at $78,800. Unless a parent is able to work two jobs, only one source of income can be obtained. This one single income must be sufficient to support not only their own living expenses, but also costs of raising children. These costs can include extra food, clothing, day care, and other necessities for children. Thus, single-parents are often the target of financial struggles, and must receive assistance from the government or close family to ease their burdens. Furthermore, although single parents may receive child support from former spousals, it is not always without difficulty. Former spousals are able to refuse payment, which usually brings both parties to court to settle a case. In conclusion, single-parent families suffer from having lower income than normal families, and this can causes a great deal of stress and problems if povertized conditions are given. These financial issues described can be a possible factor for children growing up... ... middle of paper ... ... a strong sense of confidence. In relation, seeing their parents at battle with hardships, children of single-parent families are able to experience conflicts and problems at a young age, thus preparing them for adversity in the future. The children learn from their parents, and in the process they become prepared for adulthood. Overall, several strong positive effects and aspects can stem from single parenthood, regardless of the negative elements displayed. In conclusion, the major negative aspects of single parenthood include financial issues and possible psychological problems for children. However, numerous positive aspects can shine an optimistic light on the topic. In relation, as single parenthood becomes more common in society, we must decide if the new social norm can have an adverse or a beneficial effect on our future, especially for our children.

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