Nepotism Rule in Finding a Job

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It’s not what you know anymore. It’s whom you know. Most of the time when you go for a job someone has an influence in you being hired such as an employee that works there or a family member. Majority of the time it is not because you are qualified to do the job. This is my theory on why it is so hard to get a job straight out of college. Being a recent graduate you do not know many people in your field and you most likely have no experience. I think the best way that we can solve the problem of college graduates not being able to find a job is everyone company adapting the No-Nepotism rule. The regulation that you cannot work at any place where you have family or friends at least not in your direct department. Another solutions could be having a special employer that is not related to or knows anyone at the workplace. An employer that comes in to only hire people resulting in the employer having no outside influence in the decision of hiring you or not because of qualification.

The main issue we have with jobs is the big issue that goes hand in hand with the job market, the economy. The economy going hand in hand with our job situation is shown in the recession period of 2008-2009 when the unemployment rate nearly doubled and hit its high sky rocketing from 5% to 9.8%.

The recession is not the only thing that is making the situation of getting a job so difficult. One of the main reasons that getting a job has become so difficult is the ratio of available jobs to seeker. With unemployment rates close to twice the norm and even with the number of 140.000 new jobs every month in the year 2012. It is still not enough to bring the rate of unemployment back down to its low within the per...

... middle of paper ... not having a lot of jobs in the area because they are all filled up due to nepotism making it hard for people that are not employed and making it extremely harder for those who just graduated college or have no job experience. Nepotism should be destroyed it is unfair for those who are more qualified and every company should have a rule where you can not employee anyone that you have a personal relationship in the same location as you, or at least that you guys can not supervise each other and must hold the same position. The only place nepotism should be acceptable is at family owned businesses new or old and even then they should still consider. At this point it is extremely hard to make a change to nepotism because of the privately own companies and the lack of proof that you may know someone you are hiring, but all companies should have an anti nepotism rule.

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