Negotiating Across Cultures

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Overview The agreed upon contract between the government of Bangladesh and Niko Resources Ltd. consisted of Niko being able to revive two abandoned gas fields in Bangladesh to replicate their famous Indian success story. Although no fatalities were reported in the two blowouts, Niko Resources Ltd. became the central focus of Bangladeshi politicians, journalists, activists, and villagers who tarnished their reputation while seeking compensation. In order to achieve a win-win outcome in the next phase of negotiation while reconstructing the reputation of Niko Resources Ltd. it is essential to acknowledge the underlying interests of both parties. Therefore, proposing an overlap of interest between both parties along with suggesting cultural differences that may be impacting further negotiations and their respective solutions can be a useful tool in achieving the preferred outcome. People and Problems The major stakeholders in this negotiation consist of Niko Resources Ltd., the government of Bangladesh, and the local community of Bangladesh. The minor stakeholders consist of politicians in Bangladesh and Canadian companies. To achieve win-win outcomes, it is essential to separate the people from the problem. Thus, it is important to "Face the problem, not the people. The basic approach is to deal with the people as human beings and with the problem on its merits" (Fisher,Ury & Patton,1991, p.40-41). In order to separate the people from the problem more easily, the stakeholders and each of their problems are provided in the table below. Major Stakeholders Niko Resources Ltd. Government of Bangladesh Local Community of Bangladesh Problems  The Government is claiming $12 -million for environmental damage.  Media attacks by jo... ... middle of paper ... ...ze one party. In addition, Bangladesh can shed light on the value of journalists and activists there who are of paramount importance to multinational companies, thus informing Niko of their culture and how they should treat reporters. Integrating a mediator into the negotiation can be helpful, especially if the mediator is an Indian executive who can serve as a representative for both parties. He/she can inform Bangladesh about how Niko helped India while informing Niko about how Bangladesh responds to business, since India and Bangladesh are neighboring countries and have a good trade relationship. ] Works Cited Fisher, Roger, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in. 2nd ed. New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1991. Print. Lewicki, Roy J., and Joseph August Litterer. Negotiation. Homewood, Ill.: R.D. Irwin, 1985. Print.

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