The Necessity of War, Foreign Policy, and Diplomacy in the United States

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The United States in its past years has put what may seem to be a title of necessity over war, and made diplomacy out to be second rate. This country has involved itself in countless wars in which it really didn’t need to. Thousands of precious lives have been thrown out of this world for selfish or idiotic reasons. Wars have been started just because the U.S. felt the need to try and change some other counties government, because it wasn’t the same as their own. The United States has twisted its own image of itself to be some sort of police force for the world. The U.S. polices the world, when it can’t even keep control of the only land it actual owns. Almost every politician in the U.S. will change their opinion or vote if you hand them a check behind the eyes of the social media and public press that runs the United States. Not to mention, the United States spends huge amounts of money on wars that doesn’t affect it, even though it has already dug itself deep into financial debt. The U.S. is not helping itself in the position it is in. It is in fact, making itself worse. Every four years a new government leader steps up on a podium the day of their inauguration and bellows out empty promises, and hollow objectives that they know won’t be achieved. The United States does not need a leader that will make the public feel patriotic. What the United States needs is not faulty plans nor misguided wars, the United States needs peace. To achieve this peace, the United States needs to change its priorities. The United States priorities right now seem to be appearing to be the strongest country that has ever existed, the noblest country that has ever existed, to have its civilians the most angrily patriotic that they could possibly be, a... ... middle of paper ... ... 2011 web. March 6th 2014 Seher, Jason “Republicans call on Obama to act on Ukraine” March 1st, 2014 web. March 11, 2014 “From the War of Independence to Operation Enduring Freedom - blood spilled from sea to shining sea.” N.d. Sources: US Army Military Institute;; Wikipedia Hicks, Stephen, Ph.D. “Friedrich Nietzsche on the necessity of war,” n.d. web 3/12/14. Mattair, Thomas “Achieving Peace: Recommendations for U.S. Arab-Israeli Policy,” n.d. web. 3/14/14. Daniel Trotta “Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting” www.reuters.comNEW YORK Wed Jun 29, 2011 web. March 6th 2014. “How to Ensure That a U.S. Troop Drawdown Does Not Destabilize Afghanistan” Lisa Curtis, February 11, 2014,

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