The Nature of Sin in The Scarlet Letter

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Sin is defined as a transgression of a religious or moral law especially when deliberate. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne one of the main points in the book is relating to sin and how it can affect people. Hawthorne uses several methods to convey the nature of sin through his characters and symbolism in The Scarlet Letter. The scarlet A on the chest of Hester Prynne and Hester herself represent known sin. She commits adultery and is caught. The A is her punishment as well as a reminder to her about sinning. The child of sin and Hester is named Pearl. She symbolises the product of sin and sin itself. The third member of the sinning perty is Dimsdale. He is loved and treated with respect by the towns people. No one but him knows that he too has sinned. Hawthorne uses that character to represent hidden sin and guilt. Three different aspects of sin represented by three different characters in The Scarlet Letter.

Known sin is the reason why the main character, Hester, is forced to wear an A on her clothes and that is what she symbolises. “On the breast of her gown in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread appeared the letter A.” pg 50. Throughout the whole book the Letter A relates back to Hester and sin. Even when Dimsdale is standing on the scaffold in chapter 12 he swears that he see’s an A flying in the sky. The next day the townspeople say they saw it as an angel since the governor has died. Hester Prynne has a new power when she receives the A. This power allows her to see sin in other people. Pearl and Hester take a trip to the Governors house and while Hester is looking at her reflection in the armor she see’s herself and Pearl as an A. Hester s...

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...born born from sin, as Pearl is, then that child will live with sin. Pearl is cursed and her future is set while she lives with this curse. Although Hester’s sin is known Dimsdales is not and that is the sin that Pearl carries. Not the known sin of her mother but the hidden sin of her father. Only when Dimsdale dies does Pearl get set free from the curse. When there is no longer a sin to be hidden there is no longer a curse and the spell is broken. A child of sin will be forgiven if the sin is also forgiven.

The characters in Hawthornes Novel The Scarlet Letter show three different aspects of sin and how it can change and harm a person's life. Hester is the symbol for Knows sin. Totally opposite of her is Dimsdale who shows Hidden sin. The child and Product of Sin is Pearl. These characters have a powerful message behind each of them that is significant.

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