Natural Monopolies Essay

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Natural monopolies arise where the largest supplier in an industry, often the first supplier in a market, has an overwhelming cost advantage over other actual or potential competitors. Often times this is the case in corporations in which fixed cost dominates, creating economics of scale. The two most crucial costs in the microeconomics world are fixed and marginal costs. Marginal costs are the cost to the company serving one or more customers whereas the fixed cost solely requires multiple customers. Most natural monopolies use large scale infrastructure to ensure supply is met by means of power plants pipelines and electrical wires. Natural monopolies often discourage new corporations into the market creates a major loss into efficiency because of duplication costs wasting many recourses. Natural monopolies are common in the utility field do to an essential need for those services creating an expensive infrastructure to deliver the good. Being so essential to the public the united states government regulates the corporations by use of private …show more content…

In the year 2005 southwestern bell purchased the former monopoly to create the AT&T we use today. On March 20, 2011, AT&T announced its intention to buy T-Mobile USA for $39 billion only to have the purchase refused. After many failed mergers AT&T finally completed an acquisition between Direct TV while forging a new deal with Time Warner. The merger must undergo regulatory review, with AT&T hoping to complete the acquisition before the end of 2017. AT&T purchased DirecTV last year to become the nation 's largest cable or satellite TV provider. Once again AT&T resembles a natural monopoly having the ability to lower prices at will to force smaller competitors out of business. Here is a graph to support my findings on AT&T profitability during the past decade due to

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