The Mystery of the Lost Colony

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For centuries the disappearance of the Roanoke colonists has been one of the great mysteries in the historical community. Within the span of three years, 120 colonists disappeared from an English colony on Roanoke Island, a small piece of land off the coast of North Carolina. The evidence left behind barely gives us a clue as to what could have happened to the entire colony. With the testimony of John White, the leader of the colony that left the settlement to get more supplies, and what little evidence there is, there have been many theories as to what actually caused the disappearance.

When trying to make a logical conclusion about the disappearance of the 120 inhabitants of the colony at Roanoke, there are many factors to consider. Examples include issues like betrayal, past voyages, alliances, and starvation. One must not only look at the facts but also at the opinions of the educated individuals who have studied this situation. Previous trips to the island must be thoroughly examined as well as what was occurring in England at the time. Interactions between the nearby Native American tribes and the colony may give us some insight as to where the colonists went while thoroughly examining the key people involved may help as well.

In the 16th century, the English who were not accustomed to being friendly with the Native Americans, living on the fruit of the land, or having to fight for their lives must have had an incredibly hard time staying alive at all. One can only deduce that after the first couple of weeks, the colonists of Roanoke sorely wanted to go back to their homeland. The knowledge that this would have been the first English colony in America leads the public to believe that something must have occurred to caus...

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... 2012. .

Miller, Lee. Roanoke: The Mystery of the Lost Colony. New York: Scholastic Nonfiction, 2007. Print.

"NPS Historical Handbook: Fort Raleigh (Contents)." U.S. National Park Service - Experience Your America. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

"The Roanoke Colony." East Buchanan Community Schools. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

"Roanoke: The Lost Colony - Part 2 - Page: 3." Suite101 Popular Archive | Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

"The Settlement at Roanoke. A Timeline. Durham University Library." A World Top 100 University - Durham University. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

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