My Work with Children with Disibilities

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Quite often, people with disabilities are treated as if they are retarded, child-like, or incapable of taking care of themselves. This is incorrect almost all the time! Most people with disabilities have or would like at least some degree of independence, and many disabilities have little or no effect on mental processing. There is a severe stereotyping problem with people with disabilities. During this summer semester, I’ve worked with children with and without disabilities at the Early Learning Center in Pullman, Washington. Early Learning Services provides quality childcare in an interactive, nurturing environment. They believe that early intervention helps to improve a child’s opportunities for success and that providing least restrictive environments improve children’s social skills. Peer modeling is encouraged amongst the children and classes are fairly small with multiple teachers/caregivers. While at ELC, I mainly worked with two children who had disabilities. One was a six year old boy who had a mental disability and the other was a little girl who was about a year old and had a club hand and facial deformities. They were both fun and unique as well as being quite different from each other, so I enjoyed getting a varied experience working with them. The boy whom I shall call Michael, was extremely energetic and social. The classrooms at ELC are completely integrated so he participated in all activities. Michael was treated the same as everyone else by the teachers and was not given special treatment or privileges because of his disability. He was required to behave and participate just like everyone and unless you spent much time in the classroom, you wouldn’t even notice that he was any different from anyone els... ... middle of paper ... ...hallenge to one’s humanity – for both the stigmatized person and the stigmatizer.” (Crocker, Dovidio, Major (2000) Very often stigmatization is a result of people not being properly educated about people with disabilities and letting themselves be brain washed by Hollywood and the media. Since the majority of people don’t often come into contact with people with severe and deforming disabilities, they’ve not had any personal experience to help share their beliefs and opinions. When this is the case, it’s very easy to fall back onto what society and the media teaches. As students who have now been educated about people with disabilities, it’s our responsibility to help educate other people and to dispel stereotypes about disability. Moreover, we should be model examples in how to treat a person with a disability – as a human, the same as we would want to be treated!

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