My College Scholarship

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An education is a major component in the human growth and development of a human being. Furthermore, a college education is just as important to any individual that is willing to take advantage of what the world has to offer. A college is important for a variety of reasons for anyone. A college education is a guide that can aid one in finding the right path to lead in their adult life. To me an education is not an option while many may feel that a college education is an option for me it is not a choice it is mandatory. To best understand the importance of a college education to me I will reveal my reason for continuing my journey of education. As the reader, you will be able to understand how much a college education is important to me and my reason for exerting the feelings that I have towards an education. Education means a variety of things to any individual because it is the route to fulfilling dreams that one would not have otherwise been able to believe was possible. Just as food provides nourishment to the stomach, happiness satisfaction to the soul, education is the dietary supplement to the brain. Education endows one with the strength and motivation to have a dream, as a consequence one is able to lead a life filled with happiness. One is able to have contentment because with the attainment of an educated mind they are cognizant that they can achieve all of what they have ever imagined. As children we are taught to dream what we want to become and as an adolescent, we are able to live to become just as what we have imagined. The very essence of what we seek to become is educated in a sense because we can only become a step closer to making our reality come into existence without beginning with education. One dream can b... ... middle of paper ... ... teachers as a resource to help us get job opportunities or a scholarship. For this reason college education is vital in the life of any person. In conclusion, education is an integral part of one’s life. It aids in the growth and development of a human entity. One prime example of this is that we become dependent upon education to gain experience in one’s life. Education is also the source for one to be able to make their dream a reality. A popular literary source, Plato’s Cave, the narrator made the reader aware that education aids one in escaping the cave of ignorance. I am no longer a slave to the cave in that I have relied upon education as the source of freedom. Additionally, it is necessary to accept the view that education is the source for achieving the ultimate goal-our dream becoming whomever we have sought to become just as we dreamt in our adolescence.

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