My Path of Leisure Stroll

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The dawn of each day is as unique as each individual person who wakes with it. The predicable, inky black slates speckled with stars are faded out and over taken by the colors of pale splendor. Baby blues, soft roses and creamy yellows dye often the atmosphere while the sun overtakes the ivory orb of night. Other breaks of day burst forth with all the vivacity of a butterfly’s wing, glaring oranges, shocking hues of pink and reds brighter than a single bead of blood chase away the velvet of night in a whirlwind assault to claim their fleeting time of existence. I do not remember the finger print of the dawning day, only a few months of life have whipped my memory clean of that day, of all but a ceremony’s passing. The ride to the school was forgotten. How I wore my hair along with whatever events predeceased the rite of passage are forgotten as well except for what lies behind framed glass. The memory is simply the minutes, moments, heartbeats, emotions and hours of the ceremony that remain embedded in who I am. I cannot bring to mind whether I felt proud for whatever reason the ceremony occurring but I believe I must have been. Like the rest of my class, I was there. At this I marveled in the eerie silence while I sat in a metal chair that, despite being warm from my occupation for well over a half hour, felt cold. With the rest of them I was there. This place, this ceremony, I never saw myself there. Not with my class. Not with any class. This feat was never something I believed would happen to me. This question as to my passing from the isolated realm of high school to rest of the world was not due to my lack of intellect, study habits perhaps, but never intelligence. It was not due to my work ethic, this had never been a pro... ... middle of paper ... ...offer to clean your wounds. My offer you may take and cease your running for just that long before speeding off stumbling along, still holding fast to the advice you were given. Then again you may be rolled off to the side of the road, in the warm grass, tired and broken. I will stroll over and offer my flask, should we be of age. With the honeysweet lighting our throats aflame stories will be exchanged. I am not saying my path of leisure stroll is a path better or wiser than your road of quick pace. You can run towards your goals, for them to be all you dreamed, an illusion of existence or delusion of happiness. You can pass life in a blur and race towards the end, you may get there sooner, you may get there later. I only offer a different perspective in which life will not pass by in a blur, hollow and half missed but rather where it can be taken in and enjoyed.

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