My Passion For Medicine

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I quote a man who has been accepted by the general populace to be accurate in his observations of society: “Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work”, Aldous Huxley is known to have said. I know not the purpose of life, but I know of passion, and mine lies in medicine.

I moved from New York to an impoverished village in India during my pre-adolescent age. There, my life saw juxtaposition like no other. From air-conditioned, colorful children wards where the nurse gave you “I was brave!” stickers (despite you throwing a fit) and lollipops, I saw children screaming in agony as crude and outdated procedures such as lobotomies were used to treat relatively simple issues. Regardless of how clichéd the American-born-Asian-country-returned reaction has become, such visuals do impact a child’s life like no other and have made me who I am today.

As I pondered within the capacity of my young mind regarding the differences in these two worlds, I felt a certain power move through my body as I realized the power ...

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