My Family's Experience with Foreclosure

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Foreclosure is one of the hardest things that a person can be introduced to. It can make a person or break a person, but for me it made me so much stronger. I can truly say I have accomplished much more since getting out of a foreclosure scam at a very young age of 16. Throughout that hard time I just continued to not only motivate myself, but my mother because I understand getting something taken away from you that you have worked hard for can destroy a good person. This is what happened to my family and I, and what we did to overcome it.

April 1, 2007 we got the phone call stating we had finally been approved to move into our first family home after 13 years. We were so ecstatic that we immediately started packing that very night. The week before, we got the keys and walked around every day as a family praying on the steps of the home that we would be able to get it. That house was our dream come true and it was the first house I can remember living in. The first month of moving in we did nothing but pray about how thankful we were that we were able to not only afford the house but also be chosen as the owner…well renter. That is where our problems arose from. We did not own this beautiful house and because we were first home buyers we were put into a lease, to rent to own. Our lease stated after 2 years we would have paid the full amount for the house and would be able to own it. We did all the right things: paid all our bills on time, kept the house spotless, kept good talking grounds with the owner, and treated the house like it was ours. We planted flowers and trees and had the grass cut every 2 weeks. We loved that house and had nothing but high hopes. We felt as though we had just been given a new lease on life. 5 mont...

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...n mine, you don’t want to blame anyone for it. The best thing to do is to just look forward. And don’t hold grudges because holding grudges only hurts you. You are the person who has to remember you are holding a grudge not the person who helped you into the situation you are in. By holding a grudge you only give that person control over your mind.

You won’t always win getting your home back in your custody, but if you follow these directions above you will receive something even greater. Your family and you will have a stronger bond because you have accomplished working together. You will intertwine these steps into your everyday life making yourself a better person. My family and I lost that home but as one door closes another door opens. We were put on another path to a even better scam free home which we appreciate even more. And our bond is closer than ever.

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