My Experiment withTranscendentalism

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Transcendentalism is the system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical and material. Through my experimentation I have found that the two most important principles of Transcendentalism are self-reliance and anti-materialism. While I experimented being completely self-reliant I made my own meals and did everything myself so I did not have to wait or rely on anyone. Another experiment I conducted was anti-materialism, during which I did not use any items of technology that were not completely necessary, and instead focused my attention on important things like making music and doing well on my schoolwork. My experimentation supported the beliefs expressed in the principles of Transcendentalism because I could almost immediately see how personifying those beliefs could benefit me by learning to care for myself and not having my possessions take control of me.

Emerson demonstrated self-reliance best when he wrote “though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through the toil bestowed on that plot of ground...

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