My Experience at Sinai Plaza and HYCCF

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It was my first time ever working with the elderly, it was quiet interesting. However, I did experience cognitive dissonance many times; I have found myself doing actions I was told to do that did not comply with my cognition. According to Aronson, “Festinger’s theory is more than simply a theory about consistency. It is essentially a theory about sense-making: how people make sense out of their beliefs, their environment, and their behavior” (1997). In relation to my experience, an elderly woman dropped her shoe and she desperately wanted her shoe to be put back on. One of the supervisors looked at me and shook her head as in warning me not to attempt to put her shoe back on. I attempted to internally justify the behavior by suggesting that the supervisor knows best, although it was quiet obvious there was insufficient external justification, thus creating insufficient justification (Myers & Twenge, 2013). However, in the end, I did give in and finally put the poor woman’s shoe on. I felt she was entitled to have her shoe back on even though it fell off her feet. Therefore, I was unable to conform, however I did for one brief moment experience the phenomenon of obedience. According to Myers and Twenge, there is a difference between conformity and obedience. For example, conformity is “a change in behavior or belief as the result of real or imagined group pressure; obedience is “acting in accord with a direct order or command” (2013). So, my belief was not affected because I still strongly believed that the woman had absolute right to have her shoe put back on.
According to Ruvulo and Markus, “Possible selves are elements of the self-concept that represent what individuals could become, would like to become, and are afraid of be...

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...I would like to work with in the future; for example, I see myself working with the elderly rather than with children because when I was completing my service learning hours at Sinai Plaza, I felt it was exciting and extremely fulfilling. The experience and memories that I have gained from both locations made this assignment a lot more meaningful than what I was expecting. Through the process of fulfilling my duties, I learned about collectivism, in such an individualistic society. I learned that in order for a society to be successful one must have a collectivist view, in which “one adds priority to the goals of one’s group” (Myers & Twenge, 2013). Furthermore, I also learned about my interdependent self, in which I “constructed my identity in relation to others” (Myers & Twenge, 2013). For example, I played the role as a daughter, a niece, a friend, and a mother.

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