My Beloved

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The rain falls ominously around us where we sit huddled underneath a fallen tree. Our clothes are blood stained and shredded. Ena huddles against my side, her face hidden under my arms. I wrap a protective arm around her and look out into the misty surroundings, my senses alert for any sign of pursuit. A flash of lightning illuminates the small copse of trees followed almost momentarily by the distant rumble of thunder. Now is our one and only chance. The storm will cover our tracks; make us more difficult to follow. I tighten my arms and pull my sleeping daughter into my arms and cradle her against my chest. She’s seven now, but I’m strong. I can carry her and run. The rain makes the mud slick and conditions treacherous, but I’m still faster than all the people hunting us. All but him.

Ena wakes up in my arms and whimpers in pain. I’m shocked; I hadn’t even noticed she was hurt. As soon as the thought forms in my head I slide to a stop and sit her on a tree branch that hangs low over the track. Her face, so like mine, is pale and drawn with pain. Slowly, I lift her thin t-shirt over her stomach and gasp. There’s a large red welt about the size of a tennis ball. The edges are a deep, angry red but it darkens into a violent purple at the centre. A snarl rips between my teeth. I know exactly what has caused the mark, and her Father will pay for it.

As if on cue, the sound of hunting horns echoes behind us. It is so like Benjiman to do things traditionally. Not that pursuing your wife and only surviving child is traditional. I feel my heart tear, as though a knife has been dragged through it, at the thought of my other daughter. Ozzy was Ena’s twin and now, because of their masochistic Father, she is lying dead at the base of a tre...

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...ting the earth as power corrupted him.

I fall to my knees and embrace my sobbing, shaking daughter, the only part of my Beloved I have left.

“It’s okay... we’re going to be okay.” I tell her. She nods her head and clutches my clothes desperately.

“I love you.” I repeat brokenly. Love is War, and War finds you where you least expect it... Delivered by those you Love most.

Internet sources;

Written Sources;

The Ethics of Biotechnology, by Jonathan Morris

Redesigning Humans, by Gregory Stock

Remaking Eden, by Lee M. Silver

The Second Creation, by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and Colin Tudge

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