Music, Childood, and Growth

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As children, we are exposed to many new and intriguing elements. One of those new items of exploration is the element of music. When children are brought home from the hospital and are crying without end, mothers and fathers sing to them in order to calm them down. Before putting them down to sleep, a lullaby is a common practice of parents. Songs are also very evident in children’s television shows, movies, and even books that have buttons that make music while reading the book. At a young age music enters into the grasp of children and as they grow and mature music has an even bigger impact on their life. Three pieces of music that are examples of childhood music are “Brahms’ Lullaby,” “Tse Tse Kule,” and “Nobody’s Perfect.”

“Brahms’ Lullaby” as written by Johannes Brahms and was published in 1868. It is better known as “Wiegenlied.” Brahms wrote the piece in celebration of Bertha Faber, a friend of Brahms, who had just given birth (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia). Although the lullaby is a classical piece of music, it is very evident in today’s culture. It is a very popular piece that parents hum or sing in order to calm down a crying child. The piece is also very evident when walking down the baby aisle of many department stores. Many stuffed animals or baby mobiles have a button that when pressed plays the beautiful sounds of Brahms’ Wiegenlied. It speaks volumes of the popularity of the piece because it is still very popular today. Culturally, it has become a “theme song” per say for childhood. When a couple has a new baby, it is almost as if “Wiegenlied” must be present in their child’s life in order to follow the standard of the cultural norm.

Many elements of music are found in Brahms’ “Wiegenlied” and they contri...

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...peak volumes as to the reality that children have to face. No one is perfect and not everything is going to work out the way that an individual wants it to.

At a young age music enters into the grasp of children and as they grow and mature music has an even bigger impact on their life. “Brahms’ Lullaby,” “Tse Tse Kule,” and “Nobody’s Perfect” are examples of music that is very evident and plays an important part in a child’s life. Although they may not all be popular songs, they still are relevant to the exploration of childhood throughout the world.

Works Cited

Johannes Brahms- “Brahms’ Lullaby”

Ivan Annan-“Tse Tse Kule”

Hannah Montana- “Nobody’s Perfect”

"Johannes Brahms." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2011) Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Feb. 2012.

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