Multiculturalism in Canada

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Nowadays, when concepts of integrity, complexity, and globalization play a huge role in shaping our society, a concept of multiculturalism is common and widely accepted by most countries in the world, including Canada. According to Statistics Canada, as of January 2014, an estimate of Canadian population exceeded 35 million people and 20.6% of the total population are immigrants from other countries (Statistics Canada, 2014). These figures mean that on average every fifth person living in Canada was born in another country. This is especially relevant for Province of British Columbia, where, according to BC Stats, the population estimate equals to 4.6 million people as of July 2013 and BC was named one of the three Canadian provinces that accept most immigrants from all over the world (BC Stats, 2014). Unfortunately, the most recent demographics research on British Columbia population available was made in 2006. However, those numbers can still help to evaluate proportions of different ethnicities living in BC right now. As of Canada 2006 Cencus, minority population equaled to 24.8% and 10% of those immigrants were Chinese. Chinese people represent the biggest immigration minority in British Columbia, followed by South Asian (6.4%) and Filipino (2.2%) (Chui, 2006). While being the biggest diaspora in BC, Chinese population keeps growing as new working and studying opportunities provided by federal and provincial governments. The main aim of this research is to 4study historical reasons that led to given nowadays demographics. This paper is going to try to support an argument that historical events happened in Canada in the past and involved Chinese immigrants, especially the building of Canadian Pacific Railway, had a positive eff... ... middle of paper ... ... the country. Talking about CPR role in all of that, it became a special event that helped collective-oriented Chinese people to gather in their own groups in order to counter cultural differences and other difficulties of the foreign country. It helped CPR workers to become that foundation for other immigrants, which helped newcomers to assimilate and successfully fight against racist attitude, unfair taxes and bans from job positions. Railway construction was that key occasion that allowed Chinese to integrate and become a significant part of Canadian population. As the conclusion for this research, it seems possible to suggest that CPR construction gave Chinese a cause to overcome marginalization and exclusion by white majority of Canadian population and as, nowadays situation shows, that was beneficial and profitable for Canada, as well as for Chinese ethnicity.

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