The Movement in Crossing and Dwelling

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Religion is sometimes looked at from one aspect and is often challenging to describe when one is asked to. In Crossing and Dwelling by Thomas Tweed, he describes religion not only from one aspect but from multiple viewpoints. He also does so in terms of movement, relation, and position through which he uses gets across some of the main ideas of his novel. His definition of religions which are “confluences of organic-cultural flows that intensify joy and confront suffering by drawing on human and suprahuman forces to make homes and cross boundaries” was constituted from his encounter with the Cubans in Miami. Through his religious experience with the Cubans, Tweed is able to define religions and not religion from multiple aspects.

In his novel Tweed tries to give us an understanding of religion through the observation of the Cuban migrants in three ways; movement, relation, and position. (Tweed) Movement in Crossing and Dwelling evokes emotions of both sadness and joy. Joy in the sense that as the Virgin Mother was processed into the shrine and displayed for all to see, it brought tears of joy to the eyes those who witnessed such an event. Tweed also describes movement in terms of “waving handkerchiefs and lifting children” and also by describing to his audience how “Our lady of Charity was an exile who had been forced from her homeland-like almost all of the thousands of devotees” that were present during the procession. The sad aspect of movement is that those who had managed to flee from Cuba recalled the memories they had of their homeland as well as of the loved ones that they had to leave behind. (Tweed) Movement stands for hope and that hope stands for Our Lady of Charity whom the crowd, Tweed observed, believed would save ...

... middle of paper ... because of the challenges that it brings forth with theories of truth. (Tweed) Tweed’s perspective could be understood as “pragmatic or nonrepresentational realism or to use the philosopher Hilary Putnam’s phrase, “realism with a small r-as opposed to metaphysical Realism,” which champions a view from nowhere and aspires to link concepts with mind-independent realities.” (Tweed) He also views “theories as embodied travels” and sightings which he believes are “positioned representations of a changing terrain by an itinerant cartographer.” (Tweed) In a sense Tweed writes for people who he believes have a one sided view point on religion for example the “philosophers of science, and natural scientists work in the laboratory or the field that decide whether the deductive-nomological view (with its concerns for laws, hypothesis, explanations, control and prediction)

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