Mothering Confers Privilege Upon Women

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Mothering confers privilege upon women. Mothering consists of a biological female parent who nurtures and raises a child. However, due to the differences in cultural and social roles, it has become difficult to define mothering as a collective and applicable perception. Chodorow (1978) states that mothering can be seen as socially, psychologically and biologically natural and functional (p. This essay will define concepts of motherhood, matriarchy and maternal instinct. Furthermore, it will discuss the deconstruction of motherhood and look behind the mother child relationship. Additionally, this essay will look at how women have a choice on whether they would like to become mothers or remain child-free, taking in to consideration the various methods that are available to women. Mothering doesnt just provide maturity and the feeling of importance, it provides much more. Richardson (1993) elaborates on this and argues that mothering is a contradictory experience. Furthermore, feminists views are examined and they are concerned with improving womens positions in societies. This essay analyzes the differences on what is best for the child among the social groups. Additionally, looking at how mothering differs between these social groups. Although there are many positive aspects to mothering, this essay will controversially examine the negative aspects towards mothering too. Motherhood consists of positive and negative attributes and can be seen as an identity that women wish to gain. Being a mother can have a large impact on their health. Mothering is seen as stressful and it consists of economic dependence (Richardson, D., Robinson, V. Women who become mothers may rely on another indivi... ... middle of paper ... ...w York, McGraw-Hill Companies. Glenn, E.N., Chang, G., Forcey, L.R. (1994) Mothering Ideology, Experience and Agency. New York, Routledge. Hyde, J.S. & DeLamater, J.D. (2003) Understanding human sexuality. 8 th Ed. New York, McGraw Hill. Nicolson, P. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 3 (4), pp.353-361. Cited in D, Richardson., V, Robinson. Basingstoke, London. Oakley, A. Harmondsworth, Penguin. Cited in D, Richardson., V, Robinson. Basingstoke, London. OReilly, A. State University of New York Press. Richardson, D., Robinson, V. Basingstoke, London. Richardson, D. London, Macmillan Press LTD. Silva, E.B. (1996) Good Enough Mothering Feminist Perspective on Lone Mothering. Canada, Routledge. Somerville, J. London, Macmillan Press LTD. Umansky, L. New York and London, New York University Press.

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