The Most Influential

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“The Most Influential”
When I first met Mrs. Jackson, I had no idea how much she would impact my life. I have been blessed to have her as my English and Spanish teacher for the past three years. Mrs. Jackson has always pushed me to do my best in bothe of the classes I have taken from her. She goes above and beyond to ensure that her students learn everything possible. She is also heavily involved in our community. Mrs. Jackson has been a wonderful mentor to me during my high school years. Ultimately, Mrs. Jackson is a dedicated teacher, involved citizen, and an influential mentor.
Mrs. Jackson is a very dedicated teacher. She has taught English and Spanish at Uniontown HIgh School for 38 years. Also, as the leader of our Spanish Club, she has spent many summers planning organized trips to Mexico. Additionally, for the last twenty years, Mrs. Jackson has taught for Fort Scott Community College as an Adjunct Instructor. Through the college, she teaches English 101 and English 102 to high school seniors here at Uniontown. In addition, in 1989 Mrs. Jackson was one of three teachers in ...

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