The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connel

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As the sweltering, hot sun signified the start of a scorching afternoon, a young boy lay in the fields harvesting vegetables for another family. He had been enslaved to perform chores around the house for the family, and was only given very few privileges. While his stomach throbbed with pangs of hunger, he continued cooking meals for them. After the family indulged in the cozy heat from the fireplace, he was the one to clean the ashes. Despite his whole body feeling sore from all the rigorous work he completed, the young boy had been left alone to suffer. As months passed by, he desired independence. He wanted to cook his own food, make his own fire, harvest his own plants and earn money. The lad soon discovered that he needed faith and courage to break away from his restricted environment. When put in a suppressive situation, every person has the aspiration to escape the injustice. This is what Harrison Bergeron and Sanger Rainsford do to liberate themselves from the external forces that govern their lives. Harrison, the main character of “Harrison Bergeron” written by Kurt Vonnegut, is a strong, fourteen year old boy whose talents have been concealed by the government. Growing up in an environment where equality has restricted people’s thinking, Harrison endeavors to change society’s views. Rainsford, the main character of “The Most Dangerous Game” written by Richard Connell, is a skilled hunter who believes that animals were made to be hunted; he has no sympathy for them. Stranded on island with a killer chasing him, he learns to make rational choices. While both Harrison and Ranisford are courageous characters, Rainsford’s prudence enables him to overpower his enemy, whereas Harrison’s impulsive nature results in him being ...

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... only shows his rational thinking but also his capability to work situations to his advantages.By killing the hunter, he not only escapes death but overpowers his instincts to kill. He transforms into a superior individual with more chances to live a better life. Therefore, Harrison and Rainsford both desire free life but attain different results because of their temperaments.

While both Harrison and Rainsford courageously fight for freedom, Harrison’s impulsive nature causes his death, whereas Rainsford’s discretion enables him to surmount his enemy. Throughout the novel they both portray the importance for living a free life guarded by just laws. Reflecting on Rainsford’s story, teaches us to confront problems with rationality and reason. By doing so, we not only make ourselves better human beings but also help build a society that reinforces positive values.

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