Morehead Inspiration Center

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The Morehead Inspiration Center is a residential recovery program, serving approximately 100 adult males, over the age of 18, that are seeking recovery from chronic alcohol or drug related addictions. The primary mission of the center is to strengthen the individual recovering from an addiction, support their families and to serve the community in which they reside. The Morehead Inspiration Center is one of ten across Kentucky that participates in the Recovery Kentucky Initiative, a not for profit organization, that was initially started by Governor Ernie Fletcher in 2005. This initiative was an attempt to address chronic addiction in Kentucky, a primary cause of homelessness. It is a 9-12 month recovery program that is peer-driven, teaches daily living skills, job responsibility, and provides practical living experiences within a safe environment ( To be considered eligible for the Morehead Inspiration Center the client must be male, 18 years or older, and in need of a support system to assist with recovery from chronic substance abuse. The client with limited resources or homeless, free of sexual misconduct, no previous acts of violence, compliant with any treatment for mental illness, does not require acute medical care, has no physical limitations, must be capable of group living and no court days within 30 days ( The center combines a safe housing environment with structured educational programs that incorporate the philosophies of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous is the original self help group founded on principles that provide support and encouragement for recovering alcoholics. New members are encouraged to work with a spon... ... middle of paper ... ...ences have thankfully sheltered me from witnessing a person suffering from a serious drug or alcohol addiction. Prior to this experience my knowledge was limited as to how one would successfully regain sobriety. I left the center feeling blessed, thankful that these men allowed me to witness a transformation in progress. Although I have been given the knowledge; I gained awareness that addiction truly is an illness. My thoughts and feelings will definitely be more tolerant and caring all while showing concern to those that I may blessed to be a part of their care in the future. References Fortinash, K. M., & Holoday Worret, P. A. (Eds.). (2012). Substance-related disorders and addictive behaviors. Psychiatric mental health nursing (5th ed., pp. 319-362). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Pathways [Brochure]. (n.d.). Morehead, KY: Recovery Kentucky, Morehead, KY.

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