More Than Just A Victim: The Critical Race Theory (CRT)

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More Than Just A Victim

After reviewing as much informative evidence, a person, with some critical thinking and some educational level, might acquire to see if a confrontation of a white man and a 4 group of black teenagers, which ended with a murder, would give several conclusions. One of the first conclusions that an individual can elaborate is if there would be any difference in the case of assassination if who was assassinated were the white man? Of course, many people would say that there would exist difference. On the other hand, what about if the white man had reasons to defend himself, even though he is seemed as the paranoid, just to have told the teenagers to turn down the music, which was excessive according the version of the Caucasian individual. Additionally, what about if the now probably sentenced to 60 years of prison for a second degree murder and not the first degree murder as many community groups protested, has been the victim of a complex social paradigm that sharps between what is rational and what is not?

Since certain but pretty considerable time ago, and due to the characteristics that the well-known ‘minorities’ which have been through, different organizations have taken a stand in defense of the ones who might be threatened, specially populations that throughout the time have been even slaves and forced servants of the white community. That is the instance that brought to hundreds of scientists to come up with what is now a branch of Social - Psychological study, which is The Critical Race Theory (CRT) and that “At its core CRT is committed to advocating for justice for people who find themselves occupying positions on the margin – for those who hold ‘minority status. It directs attention to the w...

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...ociety has still to learn about being informed and not just being managed by media or what ‘other people say’ or what ‘the personal experiences’ can dictate, which, sometime tends to have more than one purposes, and which is not always accurate. It should be also mentioned, why to try to make a war between two o more groups when such groups abundantly know that have the tools to generate violence? Has anybody looked, in first instance, at the great danger that domestic guns make in inappropriate hands? What about to demand in a unilateral group to revise the use of guns in our country? As a member of a social community and of a minority group, I think we still have to learn more about to protect us from ourselves.


Trevino, J., Harris, M., & Derron, W. (2008). What's So Critical About Critical Race Theory? Contemporary Justice Review , 11 (1), 7-10.

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