Society And Outcasts In Lusus Naturae By Margaret Atwood

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Society is filled with outcasts. Everywhere one looks, there is someone who is different and has been labeled as an outcast by the others around them. People fear disturbance of their regular lives, so they do their best to keep them free of people who could do just that. An example of this in our society is shown in people of color. Whites label people who do not look the same as them as and treat them as if they are less important as they are. The white people in our society, many times unconsciously, degrade people of color because they fear the intuition that they could cause in their everyday lives. Society creates outcasts when people are different from the “norm.” Society fears people who are unlike themselves in any large or miniscule way. In the story Lusus Naturae, by Margaret Atwood, there is a girl who does not look like the rest, “my yellow eyes, my pink teeth, my red fingernails, the long dark hair that was sprouting on my chest and …show more content…

For example, in Lusus Naturae, the girl, who is now called “freak,” shows how she was shunned from society when she says, “It was decided that i should die. That way I would not stand in the way of my sister, I would not loom over her like a fate” (Atwood 3). Society, and even her family, feared her so immensely that they wanted her to die, so that they would not have to deal with her looks or the embarrassment of her. They want her gone. In The Lost Children of Tuam, a boy named P.J. was raised in the Tuam home because he did not have a father. “P.J. was happy enough until his teens, when he was called a ‘bastard,’ and people avoided the pew he sat in, and the girls tittered at the sight of him” (Barry 21). P.J. lived his childhood feeling as if he was a normal child, but as he grew up and began to leave the Tuam home, he was shunned and called a “bastard.” No one wanted him in their

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