Compare And Contrast Materialism And Idealism

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In this paper I will talk about 3 main topics and describe what each one means to me as well as compare and contrast. The 3 main points will be metaphysics, epistemology, and political philosophy.
First let’s start off with metaphysics, I’ll be comparing and contrasting 2 major theories regarding to metaphysics which are materialism and idealism. First let’s start off with my theory of if the nature of reality personally I think different people have different realities, though I would disagree that a reality is a fixed thing. But, when regarding to a “fixed” reality we can think of 1 of Robert Frosts most popular poems about “two roads diverged in a yellow wood” which is where a traveler has to make a choice over which path to take, in the …show more content…

Now that I’ve given my own opinion let’s compare and contrast materialism and idealism. First let’s start off with what each one means then go into comparing and contrasting them both. Let’s start with materialism which means according to google in regarding to philosophy means “the doctrine that nothing exists except matter and its movement and modifications.” Now idealism according to google in regarding to philosophy means “any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependent on the activity of mind.” First, let’s compare materialism and idealism from a definition point of view now we can’t really compare the 2 other saying that both have to do with the mind just. Now when contrasting the 2 from a definition point of view we can see that with materialism it says that nothing exists expect for what we see in matter and its movement and modifications whereas with idealism any system we have to just think about and the knowledge in our mind are held in a dependent way of the activity of our minds. When comparing and …show more content…

First let’s start with what political philosophy means according to google political philosophy means “the study of fundamental questions about the state, government, politics, liberty, justice and the enforcement of a legal code by authority.” Personally I feel that the type an ideal type of government is very much on how Aquinas sees the politics and how he sees an ideal government is by protecting the common good by “keeping the peace, by organizing and harmonizing the activities of citizens, by providing for the resources to sustain life, and precluding or thwarting obstacles and hindrances to the good life” (Thomas Aquinas’, 4). This to me is an ideal government because in the end it protects everyone and there are laws that are put in place to ultimately protect the good of the people and with everyone on a common goal to protect the good of the people it would be great considering on what is going in the world today. Now that I’ve given my opinion let’s compare and contrast Aquinas and John Locke in their differences on their political views. First let’s start with contrasting the 2 we have already seen that Aquinas is all for a government that protects its citizens and keeps the peace, now with John Locke he wanted more of a government that was more of a legitimate civil government that was meant to preserve the rights of life, liberty, health, and the property

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