Mental Retardation

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1. L. L. Thurston’s theory of intelligence identifies seven recognizable intellectual abilities: spatial ability, memory, perceptual speed, word fluency, numerical ability, reasoning, and verbal meaning. Thurman argued multiple factors go into making up intelligence and although there may be some correlation between mental abilities, each ability is relatively independent of each other. A person having remarkable spatial ability or the ability to rotate an object and estimate horizontal and vertical dimensions might be deficient in word fluency or the ability to generate words rapidly. Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence argues intelligence is not just analytical but, a combination of three factors of human ability: analytical, creative, and practical. Analytical intelligence focuses on the ability to acquire knowledge allowing us to learn new processes, solve problems, and perform tasks. Creative intelligence focuses on gaining insight, developing and applying new ideas, adapting creatively to new tasks and, responding effectively in new situations. Practical intelligence focuses on the ability to develop solutions to practical and personal problems confronted in everyday life. 2. Culture-fair tests are non-verbal group intelligence tests that do not rely on a subject’s cultural skills, values, or language. For example in The Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test, subjects are asked to draw a picture of a person. Analysts examine the pictures proportions, details, representations of the body parts, etc. Another example of a culture-fair test is the Progressive Matrices test where subjects are given a picture with a missing part than asked to complete the picture with a number of possible choices. Performance tests... ... middle of paper ... ... relevant samples of all aspects of the skills measured. Firefighters must pass a physical test equivalent to the physical tasks required fighting fires. Physical requirements of a firefighter include the ability lift 75 pounds while wearing a respirator and being able to run up flights of stairs. Criterion-related validity compares test scores with a well-established independent measure known to be valid. At Bluebonnet Homes, an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Mental Retardation (ICF/MR), potential employees are asked a series of real-life questions modeling experiences they will encounter while on the job. The potential employee’s ability to identify the exact problem in each of the scenarios and the solutions they determine correct help trainers to assess future job success. High scores on the assessment activities predict successful job performance.

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