Mental Health Nursing

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Nursing practice has revolutionized itself throughout the years. Today we realize the causes of current illnesses as complex and multifaceted (source). In past models, for instance the medical model, the approach was straightforward and neglected the patients active involvement in their care; the patient was viewed as the passive recipient and the doctor, an active agent that “fixed” their patients. ( source). New developed models since then, such as the biopsychosocial model, show us that care focuses on many factors. The model demonstrates understanding of how suffering, disease, and illness can be associated by many factors seen at the different levels in society and the medical sciences (source). Caring for each component is important to the healing process.

In mental health nursing, as stated above, mental illnesses can affect the physical biological health of the body (same above source). A person may not know they are sick pending they are triggered by their environmental. For example, stressful environments like workplace settings can and bring about an anxiety disorder. Although anxiety is the natural way for the body to cope with stress, the constant triggers of stress can cause a loss of control of one’s anxiety making is disorderly (source) . Similarly, a person can be more at risk if there are genetically predisposed (source ). All in all same, the biological influence shows us the similarities that are seen in general nursing. The notion that one can be biologically sick from a mental health disorder has demonstrated the similarities of care that is provided in both types of nursing. This is because mental health nurses must care for the physical complications coming from the mental disorders and therefore ...

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...ese perspectives are negative, we are only looking at a negative resolution to treatment for the patient.

In summary, all sectors of nursing are likely to come across a client who may have a range of psychotic or emotional difficulty. A person may come in with complaints with the principle reason concerning their mental health or with a physical complaint, having secondary complication to a mental health illness. The misconception is that the bulk of those who have mental health difficulty , even those showing the severest need, are not being treated in general practice with the intervention of specialized psychiatric services. This explains the importance of changes in approach to a more holistic intervention. _________ sums it up clearly , “Providing holistic nursing care requires that we understand that there can be no “health” without mental health”

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